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"chanchiki tornade" was organized by composer Yuya Honda in 1999.
All 12 members are graduates of Tokyo National University of fine Arts and Music.
In 2004 suddenly Yuya Honda passed away. Though the activity was stopped cause of deep sadness,Hiroshi Suzuki and Shunsuke Okuchi decided to continue to lead the band with Honda’s wish.
The music of " chanchiki tornade" is based on CHING-DONG music which is kind of Japanese entertainment music for announcement.” Chanchiki “ is a name of the percussion instrument used for CHING-DONG music. And more it’s influenced by various kinds of world musics -klezmer,jazz,techno-music,chanson …etc. We make all these musics into modern brass ensemble style. 
From the street,house garden,concert hall to an art museum, we can make  an original theatrical place anywhere! Highly decorative,technical and powerful sounds have made many audience happy.
Until now "chanchiki tornade" often appeared TV,radio and magazine.
In 2008 we took part in the Art Festival “ KITA!! Japanese Artists Meet Indonesia “
